Monday, December 30, 2013

Early start to the New Year...

I actually made an early start on my New Years resolutions (which I usually never keep) and started working on some of the costume pieces I will be needing for the next year. Some things are working out well others not. Here is run down so far...

1: My first attempt was with the Elizabethan corset and chemise. They have been cut out for over a year, waiting for me to do something with them. I got all the pieces out and got them pinned to their linings then started on the MANY boning channels. After sewing for a while I noticed that there was a stain/discoloration on the front center piece. Not sure how this could have happened since it has been put away but I will have to soak the piece and see if I can get it out before continuing. I have no more of the fabric so I am hoping it will wash out. Not sure if JoAnn's sells it anymore or not.

2: Next I moved on to the Elizabethan chemise. I have had this fabric for YEARS-it is lovely printed Voille. I saved it for the perfect thing and now, again, I see there are some spots on it. One being a blue marker? I am pretty sure my daughter is somehow involved in that one, so I will have to see if I can wash this out too.

3: After looking at a lot of different patterns for stays and reading reviews I decided to make a pair out of the Simplicity 3635 pattern. I had two others I toyed with using, one from Reconstructing History and the other was the Butterick pattern with the 4 corsets. I really do like the Butterick but want to try a new way of boning a corset (well new for me) using weed-trimmer line instead of metal or reed, and I thought the Simplicity looked like it would work better for that purpose. I found a nice vintage heavy cotton sateen fabric that was used for curtains and has a manufacture date of 1978 stamped on the side in my fabric stash and used that for the outer and lining layer, using a stiff broadcloth I had on hand for the interfacing. I have all of it cut out and all the boning channels sewn, just waiting to pick up the boning material and binding next week.

4: Since I have to wait to finish the corset I decided to cut out a dress. I have a stash of beautiful linen cotton blend that was $15 a yard that I bought for $4 TOTAL from a garage sale many years back. I had intended on making a Baroque era riding jacket and skirt out of it but having been looking at so many Regency fashion plates lately I thought it would make a lovely day dress too. Luckily, as I was unfolding it I was pleasantly surprised to find that I had way more material than I thought! So if nothing else I can get the Regency day dress and the Baroque jacket out of it, if not the skirt. I really love the fabric, it has a high linen content and seems to look gray one minute and a purple color the next. I used a pattern I have never used as I wanted a quick sew, and it turned out to be more trouble that it was worth. I spent several extra hours fiddling with it to get it to work, so now I need to make button holes and put on the buttons, once I find some. Here is a picture of the fabric taken with my phone, didn't come out very well unfortunately. Will post more details about each of these projects soon :)

Costume of the Week!

Over the years I have really enjoyed reading everyone's blogs and seeing all of the wonderful things they have made. It is a source of inspiration for me, especially when I have NO desire to go anywhere near my sewing machine. I would say one of my favorite blogs is A FESTIVE ATTYRE. I love her work and ideas and the information she so willingly shares with us all. One of things I loved about the site and really miss is the FEATURED ATTYRE page. A quick glimpse of costume eye-candy all in one place. So in honor of that site, I am going to start Costume of the Week! You can submit any of your historical creations from ancient times up to the 1950s. The first costume will be posted on January 17th. This will hopefully give me time to get the word out and some wonderful submissions to choose from. Though I expect this to have a slow start I hope it will pick up and I will be able to post all of your beautiful examples :)